Quiz 139 – How many prophets are mentioned in the Qur’an?
Options are:
Correct Answer is :
C) 25
There are traditionally believed to be 124,000 prophets in Islam, though only 25 are mentioned by name in the Quran.
1. Adam (آدم)
Reference Surah Al-A’raf (7:11)
Significance Recognized as the first human and prophet. His creation marks the beginning of the human race.
2. Idris (إدريس)
Reference Surah Maryam (19:56)
Significance He was a man of truth and patience and was raised to a high station by Allah.
3. Nuh (Noah | نوح):
Reference Surah Nuh (71:1)
Significance He was sent to guide a people who had deviated. He built an ark to save the believers from a great flood.
4. Hud (هود)
Reference Surah Al-A’raf (7:65)
Significance Sent to the people of ‘Ad, who were known for their mighty power but rejected the signs of God.
5. Saleh (صالح)
Reference Surah Al-A’raf (7:73)
Significance Sent to the people of Thamud who demanded a sign and were shown the miracle of the she-camel.
6. Lut (Lot | لوط)
Reference Surah Al-A’raf (7:80)
Significance Sent to a people who had lost their moral compass, indulging in homosexuality.
7. Ibrahim (Abraham | إبراهيم)
Reference Surah Al-Baqarah (2:124)
Significance Recognized for his strong faith, he rejected his people’s idolatry and was tested many times by Allah, including being commanded to sacrifice his son.
8. Ismail (Ishmael | إسماعيل)
Reference Surah Maryam (19:54)
Significance He was known for his patience and obedience when his father Ibrahim was commanded to sacrifice him.
9. Ishaq (Isaac | إسحاق)
Reference Surah Maryam (19:49)
Significance The son of Ibrahim and the father of Yaqub. He was blessed with prophethood like his forefathers.
10. Yaqub (Jacob | يعقوب)
Reference Surah Yusuf (12:6)
Significance He was gifted with a deep understanding, and his story is closely linked with his son, Yusuf.
11. Yusuf (Joseph | يوسف)
Reference Surah Yusuf (12:4)
Significance He was known for his patience and steadfastness. His life story, involving betrayal by his brothers, his time in Egypt, and his eventual reunion with his family, is detailed in Surah Yusuf.
12. Shu’ayb (شعيب)
Reference Surah Al-A’raf (7:85)
Significance Sent to the people of Madyan who were engaged in fraudulent business practices.
13. Musa (Moses | موسى)
Reference Surah Taha (20:9)
Significance Sent to Pharaoh and the Children of Israel. His life includes many notable events, such as the parting of the sea.
14. Harun (Aaron | هارون)
Reference Surah Taha (20:30)
Significance Brother and assistant of Musa, he played a crucial role during the exodus.
15. Dhul-Kifl (ذو الكفل)
Reference Surah Sad (38:48)
Significance Little is known about him, but he is believed to have been a prophet.
16. Dawud (David | داود)
Reference Surah Sad (38:17)
Significance A king and prophet known for his wisdom, justice, and melodious voice.
17. Sulayman (Solomon | سليمان)
Reference Surah Sad (38:30)
Significance Dawud’s son, known for his wisdom, was able to communicate with animals and jinn.
18. Ilyas (Elias | إلياس)
Reference Surah Al-Saffat (37:123)
Significance Sent to the people who worshipped the idol Baal.
19. Alyasa (Elisha | اليسع)
Reference Surah Sad (38:48)
Significance Successor of Ilyas and known for his miracles.
20. Yunus (Jonah | يونس)
Reference Surah Al-Saffat (37:139)
Significance He is known for being swallowed by a giant fish after he abandoned his people without God’s permission.
21. Zakariya (Zechariah | زكريا)
Reference Surah Maryam (19:2)
Significance He was blessed with a son, Yahya, in old age.
22. Yahya (John | يحيى)
Reference Surah Maryam (19:12)
Significance Known for his piety and chastity.
23. Isa (Jesus | عيسى)
Reference Surah Al-Imran (3:52)
Significance Born miraculously to Maryam (Mary) and known for his numerous miracles.
24. Uzair (Ezra | عزير)
Reference Surah At-Tawbah (9:30)
Significance He was highly respected by the Children of Israel, but some mistakenly exalted him as a son of God.
25. Muhammad (محمد)
Reference Surah Muhammad (47:2)
Significance The final prophet and messenger sent to humanity with the complete and final revelation, the Quran.
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