Category Archives: Islamic History
Explore the rich history of Islam, including key events, influential figures, and the evolution of Islamic civilizations. Learn about the significant battles, achievements, and contributions that shaped the Islamic world.
Quiz 147 – Which person connected with the Prophet ﷺ during his lifetime is mentioned in the Qur’an by name?
Which person connected with the Prophet ﷺ during his lifetime is mentioned in the Qur’an [...]
Quiz 144 – Which Islamic month was our Prophet ﷺ born in?
Which Islamic month was our Prophet ﷺ born in?
Quiz 143 – What were the two main tribes living in Madinah when our Beloved Prophet ﷺ migrated from Makkah to Madinah?
What were the two main tribes living in Madinah when our Beloved Prophet ﷺ migrated [...]
Quiz 140 – How many idols were in the Ka’abah before Islam?
How many idols were in the Ka'abah before Islam?
Quiz 138 – Which companion did the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ stay with when he first came to Madinah?
Which companion did the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ stay with when he first came to Madinah?
Quiz 135 – Which direction did the Muslims in Madinah face in Salah before the Ka’bah?
Which direction did the Muslims in Madinah face in Salah before the Ka'bah?
Quiz 134 – How many years did Muslims rule Spain?
How many years did Muslims rule Spain?
Quiz 133 – What is the name of the 3rd holiest place in Islam?
What is the name of the 3rd holiest place in Islam?
Quiz 126 – Which cave did the Prophet ﷺ rest in during the Hijrah?
Which cave did the prophet ﷺ rest in during the Hijrah?
Quiz 119 – Who traveled with the Prophet ﷺ on Hijrah?
Who traveled with the Prophet ﷺ on Hijrah?
Quiz 117 – Which country was Bilal (RA) from?
Which country was Bilal (RA) from?
Quiz 114 – Where did the 1st group of Muslims migrate to before Madinah?
Where did the 1st group of Muslims migrate to before Madinah?
Quiz 113 – Who was the 3rd Khalifah (Caliph) after the Prophet ﷺ’s demise?
Who was the 3rd Khalifah (Caliph) after the Prophet ﷺ's demise?
Quiz 106 – Who ordered the first complete compilation of the Qur’an?
Who ordered the first complete compilation of the Qur'an
Quiz 105 – How many years did the People of the Cave sleep for?
How many years did the People of the Cave sleep for?
Quiz 94 – Who purchased and freed Bilal (RA)?
Who purchased and freed Bilal (RA)?
Quiz 89 – In which Islamic month did the Miraj take place?
In which Islamic month did the Miraj take place?
Quiz 74 – Which pillar of Islam is considered an obligation only for those who are physically and financially able?
Which pillar of Islam is considered an obligation only for those who are physically and [...]
Quiz 73 – Which city was the first Qibla (direction of prayer) in Islam?
Which city was the first Qibla (direction of prayer) in Islam?
Quiz 67 – Who was the companion known for compiling the first official Quran manuscript during the caliphate of Abu Bakr (R.A)?
Who was the companion known for compiling the first official Quran manuscript during the caliphate [...]
Quiz 66 – Which Islamic month marks the beginning of the Islamic lunar calendar?
Which Islamic month marks the beginning of the Islamic lunar calendar?
Quiz 63 – Which battle in Islamic history took place in the 5th year of Hijra and is also known as the “Battle of the Confederates”?
Which battle in Islamic history took place in the 5th year of Hijra and is [...]
Quiz 62 – Who was known as the “Mother of the Believers” and the wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who was a scholar and narrated many Hadiths?
Who was known as the "Mother of the Believers" and the wife of Prophet Muhammad [...]
Quiz 61 – What is the significance of the treaty of Hudaybiyyah?
What is the significance of the treaty of Hudaybiyyah?
Quiz 59 – Who was the first young boy to accept Islam?
Who was the first young boy to accept Islam?
Quiz 56 – Who was the second Caliph of Islam after Abu Bakr as-Siddiq?
Who was the second Caliph of Islam after Abu Bakr as-Siddiq?
Quiz 53 – Who was known as “As-Siddiq” (The Truthful) among the companions of Prophet Muhammad?
Who was known as "As-Siddiq" (The Truthful) among the companions of Prophet Muhammad?
Quiz 50 – Which battle in Islamic history is known as the “Battle of the Trench”?
Which battle in Islamic history is known as the "Battle of the Trench"?
Quiz 47 – Who was the first person to accept Islam after Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
Who was the first person to accept Islam after Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Quiz 40 – Who was the first Muazzin (caller to prayer) in Islam?
Who was the first Muazzin (caller to prayer) in Islam?
Quiz 36 – Which battle is considered the first major battle in Islamic history?
Which battle is considered the first major battle in Islamic history?
Quiz 24 – What is the significance of the night journey (Isra) and ascension (Miraj) of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
What is the significance of the night journey (Isra) and ascension (Miraj) of Prophet Muhammad [...]
Quiz 19 – What is the second holiest city in Islam after Mecca?
What is the second holiest city in Islam after Mecca?
Quiz 14 – Who was the first caliph after the death of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ?
Who was the first caliph after the death of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ?
Quiz 4 – What is the significance of the “Hijra” in the Islamic calendar?
What is the significance of the "Hijra" in the Islamic calendar?
Quiz 2 – Who is the first martyr in Islam?
Who is the first martyr in Islam?
Quiz 1 – Who was the companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the cave as mentioned in Surah Tauba (9:40)?
Who was the companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the cave as mentioned in Surah [...]