Quiz 150 – What is the name of tribe of our Holy Prophet ﷺ?

What is the name of tribe of our Holy Prophet ﷺ?

Quiz 149 – What is the name of our Beloved Prophet ﷺ’s father?

What is the name of our Beloved Prophet ﷺ's father?

Quiz 148 – Which is the surah that does not start with Bismillah?

Which is the surah that does not start with Bismillah?

Quiz 147 – Which person connected with the Prophet ﷺ during his lifetime is mentioned in the Qur’an by name?

Which person connected with the Prophet ﷺ during his lifetime is mentioned in the Qur’an [...]

Quiz 146 – Which is the first and the most ancient Mosque according to the Qur’an?

Which is the first and the most ancient Mosque according to the Qur’an?

Quiz 145 – Name the prophet whose name is mentioned and discussed most in the Qur’an.

Name the prophet whose name is mentioned and discussed most in the Qur’an.

Quiz 144 – Which Islamic month was our Prophet ﷺ born in?

Which Islamic month was our Prophet ﷺ born in?

Quiz 143 – What were the two main tribes living in Madinah when our Beloved Prophet ﷺ migrated from Makkah to Madinah?

What were the two main tribes living in Madinah when our Beloved Prophet ﷺ migrated [...]

Quiz 142 – What is the name of cave where revelation of the Holy Qur’an started?

What is the name of cave where revelation of the Holy Qur’an started?

Quiz 141 – What is the greatest verse of the Holy Qur’an?

What is the greatest verse of the Holy Qur’an?

Quiz 140 – How many idols were in the Ka’abah before Islam?

How many idols were in the Ka'abah before Islam?

Quiz 139 – How many prophets are mentioned in the Qur’an?

How many prophets are mentioned in the Qur'an?

Quiz 138 – Which companion did the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ stay with when he first came to Madinah?

Which companion did the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ stay with when he first came to Madinah?

Quiz 137 – What is the name of the door in Jannah for the fasting person?

What is the name of the door in Jannah for the fasting person?

Quiz 136 – What is the name of the person who developed algebra?

What is the name of the person who developed algebra?

Quiz 135 – Which direction did the Muslims in Madinah face in Salah before the Ka’bah?

Which direction did the Muslims in Madinah face in Salah before the Ka'bah?

Quiz 134 – How many years did Muslims rule Spain?

How many years did Muslims rule Spain?

Quiz 133 – What is the name of the 3rd holiest place in Islam?

What is the name of the 3rd holiest place in Islam?

Quiz 132 – What is the name of the pilgrimage that an able Muslim must do once in a lifetime?

What is the name of the pilgrimage that an able Muslim must do once in [...]

Quiz 131 – What is good company likened to in the Hadith?

What is good company likened to in the Hadith?

Quiz 130 – How many times is the Prophet ﷺ mentioned by name in the Qur’an?

How many times is the Prophet ﷺ mentioned by name in the Qur'an?

Quiz 129 – Which prophet’s father, grandfather, and great-grandfather were also prophets?

Which prophet's father, grandfather, and great-grandfather were also prophets?

Quiz 128 – What is the name of the fountain which each person of Paradise will drink before entering?

What is the name of the fountain which each person of Paradise will drink before [...]

Quiz 127 – Which prophet was named by Allah Subhanah Himself?

Which prophet was named by Allah Subhanah Himself?

Quiz 126 – Which cave did the Prophet ﷺ rest in during the Hijrah?

Which cave did the prophet ﷺ rest in during the Hijrah?

Quiz 125 – How many months of worship does Laylatul Qadr equal to?

How many months of worship does Laylatul Qadr equal to?

Quiz 124 – How many Angels will carry the Throne of Allah on the Day of Judgment?

How many Angels will carry the Throne of Allah on the Day of Judgment?

Quiz 123 – What is the name of the gatekeeper of Jahannam (Hell)?

What is the name of the gatekeeper of Jahannam (Hell)?

Quiz 122 – Which Prophet looked after Maryam (RA)?

Which Prophet looked after Maryam (RA)?

Quiz 121 – Which prophet was sent to the people of Thamud?

Which prophet was sent to the people of Thamud?

Quiz 120 – How many days are in an Islamic month?

How many days are in an Islamic month?

Quiz 119 – Who traveled with the Prophet ﷺ on Hijrah?

Who traveled with the Prophet ﷺ on Hijrah?

Quiz 118 – What is the name of the cloth worn by men during Hajj and Umrah?

What is the name of the cloth worn by men during Hajj and Umrah?

Quiz 117 – Which country was Bilal (RA) from?

Which country was Bilal (RA) from?

Quiz 116 – What is the standing position in Salah called?

What is the standing position in Salah called?

Quiz 115 – What is the name of the angel who will blow the trumpet on the Day of Judgment?

What is the name of the angel who will blow the trumpet on the Day [...]

Quiz 114 – Where did the 1st group of Muslims migrate to before Madinah?

Where did the 1st group of Muslims migrate to before Madinah?

Quiz 113 – Who was the 3rd Khalifah (Caliph) after the Prophet ﷺ’s demise?

Who was the 3rd Khalifah (Caliph) after the Prophet ﷺ's demise?

Quiz 112 – Which uncle of the Prophet ﷺ was martyred in the Battle of Uhud?

Which uncle of the Prophet ﷺ was martyred in the Battle of Uhud?

Quiz 111 – What is the name of the year in which the Prophet ﷺ was born?

What is the name of the year in which the Prophet ﷺ was born?

Quiz 110 – Who took care of our Beloved Prophet ﷺ after his grandfather passed away?

Who took care of our Beloved Prophet ﷺ after his grandfather passed away?

Quiz 109 – What do we say when we make an intention to do something?

What do we say when we make an intention to do something?

Quiz 108 – How many surahs are there in the Qur’an?

How many surahs are there in the Qur'an?

Quiz 107 – How old was the Prophet ﷺ at the time of prophethood?

How old was the Prophet ﷺ at the time of prophethood?

Quiz 106 – Who ordered the first complete compilation of the Qur’an?

Who ordered the first complete compilation of the Qur'an

Quiz 105 – How many years did the People of the Cave sleep for?

How many years did the People of the Cave sleep for?

Quiz 104 – What does Allah build for the person who helps build a Masjid?

What does Allah build for the person who helps build a Masjid?

Quiz 103 – Which prophet had been given a camel as a miracle?

Which prophet had been given a camel as a miracle?

Quiz 102 – Which Masjid is the 2nd holiest in Islam?

Which Masjid is the 2nd holiest in Islam?

Quiz 101 – What does the name Muhammad mean?

What does the name Muhammad mean?

Quiz 100 – What is the name of the prophet who was thrown in the well?

What is the name of the prophet who was thrown in the well?

Quiz 99 – Which prophet was given the miracle to turning his stick into a snake?

Which prophet was given the miracle to turning his stick into a snake?

Quiz 98 – What is the name of the prophet who could speak to animals?

What is the name of the prophet who could speak to animals?

Quiz 97 – How old was the Prophet ﷺ when he passed away?

How old was the Prophet ﷺ when he passed away?

Quiz 96 – Which Surah of the Qur’an has 2 Bismillahs?

Which Surah of the Qur'an has 2 Bismillahs?

Quiz 95 – What is the title given to Umar (RA)?

What is the title given to Umar (RA)?

Quiz 94 – Who purchased and freed Bilal (RA)?

Who purchased and freed Bilal (RA)?

Quiz 93 – What was the name of Khadija (RA)’s cousin who was a priest?

What was the name of Khadija (RA)'s cousin who was a priest?

Quiz 92 – Which Islamic month did the Prophet ﷺ receive the first revelation of the Qur’an in?

Which Islamic month did the Prophet ﷺ receive the first revelation of the Qur'an in?

Quiz 91 – How old was the Prophet ﷺ when he got married to Khadijah (RA)?

How old was the Prophet ﷺ when he got married to Khadijah (RA)?

Quiz 90 – In which Islamic month is Hajj performed?

In which Islamic month is Hajj performed?

Quiz 89 – In which Islamic month did the Miraj take place?

In which Islamic month did the Miraj take place?

Quiz 88 – What was Adam (AS) created from?

What was Adam (AS) created from?

Quiz 87 – Which prayer is offered just before the Fajr prayer?

Which prayer is offered just before the Fajr prayer?

Quiz 86 – What should a Muslim say when they sneeze?

What should a Muslim say when they sneeze?

Quiz 85 – What is the Islamic etiquette when entering a house?

What is the Islamic etiquette when entering a house?

Quiz 84 – What is the main purpose of fasting during the month of Ramadan?

What is the main purpose of fasting during the month of Ramadan?

Quiz 83 – Which Surah begins with the verse, “Recite in the name of your Lord who created”?

Which Surah begins with the verse, "Recite in the name of your Lord who created"?

Quiz 82 – What is the proper greeting Muslims exchange with each other?

What is the proper greeting Muslims exchange with each other?

Quiz 81 – What is the pre-dawn meal consumed before fasting during Ramadan called?

What is the pre-dawn meal consumed before fasting during Ramadan called?

Quiz 80 – In which Surah is Ayat-ul-Kursi (The Verse of the Throne) mentioned?

In which Surah is Ayat-ul-Kursi (The Verse of the Throne) mentioned?

Quiz 79 – Which Prophet built the Ark to save his followers from the great flood?

Which Prophet built the Ark to save his followers from the great flood?

Quiz 78 – What should a Muslim say when starting to eat?

What should a Muslim say when starting to eat?

Quiz 77 – What is the night called that is better than a thousand months, which occurs in Ramadan?

What is the night called that is better than a thousand months, which occurs in [...]

Quiz 76 – How many times are Muslims required to pray Salah daily?

How many times are Muslims required to pray Salah daily?

Quiz 75 – What are the two main sources of Islamic teachings and guidance?

What are the two main sources of Islamic teachings and guidance?

Quiz 74 – Which pillar of Islam is considered an obligation only for those who are physically and financially able?

Which pillar of Islam is considered an obligation only for those who are physically and [...]

Quiz 73 – Which city was the first Qibla (direction of prayer) in Islam?

Which city was the first Qibla (direction of prayer) in Islam?

Quiz 72 – Which Surah in the Quran is the longest?

Which Surah in the Quran is the longest?

Quiz 71 – Which Prophet was swallowed by a whale and later forgiven by Allah?

Which Prophet was swallowed by a whale and later forgiven by Allah?

Quiz 70 – According to the Quran, what should Muslims say when they hear good news?

According to the Quran, what should Muslims say when they hear good news?

Quiz 69 – What did the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) say about smiling at others?

What did the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) say about smiling at others?

Quiz 68 – According to a famous hadith, what is the best way to seek forgiveness from Allah?

Quiz 68 - According to a famous hadith, what is the best way to seek [...]

Quiz 67 – Who was the companion known for compiling the first official Quran manuscript during the caliphate of Abu Bakr (R.A)?

Who was the companion known for compiling the first official Quran manuscript during the caliphate [...]

Quiz 66 – Which Islamic month marks the beginning of the Islamic lunar calendar?

Which Islamic month marks the beginning of the Islamic lunar calendar?

Quiz 65 – What is the Arabic term for the obligatory prayer performed five times a day?

What is the Arabic term for the obligatory prayer performed five times a day?

Quiz 64 – What is the significance of Surah Al-Asr in Islam?

What is the significance of Surah Al-Asr in Islam?

Quiz 61 – What is the significance of the treaty of Hudaybiyyah?

What is the significance of the treaty of Hudaybiyyah?

Quiz 60 – Which prayer is considered the most important in Islam?

Which prayer is considered the most important in Islam?

Quiz 59 – Who was the first young boy to accept Islam?

Who was the first young boy to accept Islam?

Quiz 58 – What does the term “Sunnah” refer to in Islam?

What does the term "Sunnah" refer to in Islam?

Quiz 57 – Which Prophet is known for his exceptional strength and defeating a giant?

Which Prophet is known for his exceptional strength and defeating a giant?

Quiz 56 – Who was the second Caliph of Islam after Abu Bakr as-Siddiq?

Who was the second Caliph of Islam after Abu Bakr as-Siddiq?

Quiz 55 – Which Surah in the Quran is named after a woman?

Which Surah in the Quran is named after a woman?

Quiz 54 – Which Islamic practice involves the recitation of the Quran during prayer?

Which Islamic practice involves the recitation of the Quran during prayer?

Quiz 53 – Who was known as “As-Siddiq” (The Truthful) among the companions of Prophet Muhammad?

Who was known as "As-Siddiq" (The Truthful) among the companions of Prophet Muhammad?

Quiz 52 – What is the meaning of the term “Iman” in Islam?

What is the meaning of the term "Iman" in Islam?

Quiz 51 – Which Prophet is known for interpreting dreams?

Which Prophet is known for interpreting dreams?

Quiz 50 – Which battle in Islamic history is known as the “Battle of the Trench”?

Which battle in Islamic history is known as the "Battle of the Trench"?

Quiz 49 – What is the Arabic term for obligatory charity given annually?

What is the Arabic term for obligatory charity given annually?

Quiz 48 – What is the significance of the night of Laylat al-Qadr?

What is the significance of the night of Laylat al-Qadr?

Quiz 47 – Who was the first person to accept Islam after Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?

Who was the first person to accept Islam after Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Quiz 46 – What is the significance of the Day of Arafah?

What is the significance of the Day of Arafah?

Quiz 45 – Which Prophet is known for his patience in the face of suffering?

Which Prophet is known for his patience in the face of suffering?

Quiz 44 – What does the term “Fiqh” refer to in Islam?

What does the term "Fiqh" refer to in Islam?

Quiz 43 – What is the term for the communal Friday prayer in Islam?

What is the term for the communal Friday prayer in Islam?

Quiz 42 – Which Surah is known as the “Chapter of Women”?

Which Surah is known as the "Chapter of Women"?

Quiz 41 – What is the meaning of the term “Umrah”?

What is the meaning of the term "Umrah"?

Quiz 40 – Who was the first Muazzin (caller to prayer) in Islam?

Who was the first Muazzin (caller to prayer) in Islam?

Quiz 39 – What is the Arabic term for repentance in Islam?

What is the Arabic term for repentance in Islam?

Quiz 38 – Which Surah is known as the “Chapter of Sincerity”?

Which Surah is known as the "Chapter of Sincerity"?

Quiz 37 – What is the term for the nightly prayers performed during Ramadan?

What is the term for the nightly prayers performed during Ramadan?

Quiz 36 – Which battle is considered the first major battle in Islamic history?

Which battle is considered the first major battle in Islamic history?

Quiz 35 – Which Prophet is often referred to as the “Friend of Allah”?

Which Prophet is often referred to as the "Friend of Allah"

Quiz 34 – What is the significance of the Kaaba in Mecca?

What is the significance of the Kaaba in Mecca?

Quiz 33 – Which event is commemorated by the celebration of Eid al-Fitr?

Which event is commemorated by the celebration of Eid al-Fitr?

Quiz 32 – Who is considered the mother of believers in Islam?

Who is considered the mother of believers in Islam?

Quiz 31 – What is the main purpose of Salah in Islam?

What is the main purpose of Salah in Islam?

Quiz 30 – What is the primary purpose of the Islamic practice of Sadaqah?

What is the primary purpose of the Islamic practice of Sadaqah?

Quiz 29 – Which Islamic figure is known for his extensive compilation of Hadiths?

Which Islamic figure is known for his extensive compilation of Hadiths?

Quiz 28 – What does the term “Halal” signify in Islamic dietary laws?

What does the term "Halal" signify in Islamic dietary laws?

Quiz 27 – What is the significance of the month of Muharram in Islam?

What is the significance of the month of Muharram in Islam?

Quiz 26 – What does “Sharia” refer to in Islam?

What does "Sharia" refer to in Islam?

Quiz 25 – Which practice is performed during the last ten days of Ramadan?

Which practice is performed during the last ten days of Ramadan?

Quiz 24 – What is the significance of the night journey (Isra) and ascension (Miraj) of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?

What is the significance of the night journey (Isra) and ascension (Miraj) of Prophet Muhammad [...]

Quiz 23 – Who compiled the Quran into a single book form after the death of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ?

Who compiled the Quran into a single book form after the death of Prophet Muhammad [...]

Quiz 22 – What is the significance of Surah Al-Fatiha in daily prayers?

What is the significance of Surah Al-Fatiha in daily prayers?

Quiz 21 – Which Islamic practice involves giving a portion of one’s wealth to those in need?

Which Islamic practice involves giving a portion of one's wealth to those in need?

Quiz 20 – What is the term for the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?

What is the term for the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?

Quiz 19 – What is the second holiest city in Islam after Mecca?

What is the second holiest city in Islam after Mecca?

Quiz 18 – Which month in the Islamic calendar is known for fasting?

Which month in the Islamic calendar is known for fasting?

Quiz 17 – What is the meaning of “Tawheed” in Islam?

What is the meaning of "Tawheed" in Islam?

Quiz 16 – What event does Eid al-Adha commemorate?

What event does Eid al-Adha commemorate?

Quiz 15 – What is the Arabic term for lawful or permissible in Islam?

What is the Arabic term for lawful or permissible in Islam?

Quiz 14 – Who was the first caliph after the death of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ?

Who was the first caliph after the death of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ?

Quiz 13 – What is the primary purpose of Zakat in Islam?

What is the primary purpose of Zakat in Islam?

Quiz 12 – Which Prophet is considered the father of the Arab people through his son Ishmael A.S.?

Which Prophet is considered the father of the Arab people through his son Ishmael A.S.?

Quiz 11 – What is the night during Ramadan when the Quran was first revealed called?

What is the night during Ramadan when the Quran was first revealed called?

Quiz 10 – What is the Arabic term for the community of Muslims worldwide?

What is the Arabic term for the community of Muslims worldwide?

Quiz 9 – Which angel delivered the revelations of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?

Which angel delivered the revelations of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?

Quiz 8 – What is the first word revealed of the Quran?

What is the first word revealed of the Quran?

Quiz 7 – What is the main purpose of the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, known as Hajj?

What is the main purpose of the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, known as Hajj?

Quiz 6 – Which of the following is NOT one of the Five Pillars of Islam?

Which of the following is NOT one of the Five Pillars of Islam?

Quiz 5 – Which country has the largest Muslim population in the world?

Which country has the largest Muslim population in the world?

Quiz 4 – What is the significance of the “Hijra” in the Islamic calendar?

What is the significance of the "Hijra" in the Islamic calendar?

Quiz 3 – What is the Islamic declaration of faith called?

What is the Islamic declaration of faith called?

Quiz 2 – Who is the first martyr in Islam?

Who is the first martyr in Islam?

Quiz 1 – Who was the companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the cave as mentioned in Surah Tauba (9:40)?

Who was the companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the cave as mentioned in Surah [...]